Privacy Statements
Privacy statement – CCTV at the UU
Voor Nederlands klikt hier: Camera’s bij de UU
Where do we have CCTV, and how do we use it?
We make use of CCTV in and around the buildings and terrains of Utrecht University (hereafter: UU). Most cameras have a live stream connection to reception desks and the central UU control room. Most cameras record footage, which is stored for a maximum of 7 days. Cameras can be placed in parking garages, bike storages, at exits and entrances, the facades of buildings, and occasionally also inside buildings.
Why do we use CCTV?
Cameras may be used to protect our belongings, people, and buildings. If something gets stolen or damaged, or somebody is harmed or harassed, we can share CCTV footage with the police to find the perpetrators. Cameras are also used to help our security team during dangerous situations, for example to support evacuation efforts in case of a fire. Finally, CCTV is used to regulate traffic flows in the parking garages.
Who can access CCTV footage?
CCTV footage is stored on UU servers, which are located in the Netherlands. Footage can be shared with the police if this is necessary for the detection or persecution of crimes. Within the UU, a small number of people – namely employees of the control room and system managers – have access to CCTV recordings. They can review footage in case of an incident or calamity, or when they need to solve an issue with the system. This group of people, together with receptionists, can also view live footage of CCTV cameras. They need to be able to view the live streams in order to respond quickly to incidents or other issues.
How can you exercise your rights under the GDPR?
If you think you’ve been recorded on CCTV when you don’t want to, or you’re worried about the placement of a CCTV camera in your area, you can make an objection. You can also ask to review footage in which you’re visible. In order to exercise these rights, you can send an email with your request to In order to find the right footage as quickly as possible, it’s important to state as clearly as possible where exactly you were, on what day, and at what time. Please keep in mind that CCTV footage is automatically deleted after 7 days. That means that if you request footage from more than a week ago, the recording will already be deleted and we will not be able to share the footage with you. Of course, when you’ve made a request within 7 days, we will set these recordings apart and make sure that footage is not deleted before you’ve seen it.
Where to go with questions?
If you have questions about CCTV cameras in your area, you can send an email to
If you have questions about privacy in general, you can send an email to our Data Protection Officer (
Finally, you also have a right to make a complaint to the national privacy watchdog, the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens |).
Adopted 30 september 2022